Posters to raise data privacy importance awareness: hang them on the school and classroom walls!
With an increase in online learning and digital platforms being used for education, the need to protect students’ data privacy has never been greater. To this end, we made available a new range of informative posters, highlighting the crucial nature of data security. The posters are intended to be hung on school and classroom walls…
New Questionnaire for School Data IT Admins to Assess Digital Skills and bolster Data Privacy Protection
In an era where digital technologies play an increasingly vital role in education, the need for educational professionals to acquire essential digital skills and competencies has become paramount. Recognizing this, an initiative has been launched to develop an open tool for data fragility auto-assessment and process mapping in data academic management. The questionnaire aims to…
Questionnaire for School Data Privacy Officers to Enhance Digital Skills and Data Literacy Competencies for Data Protection
In a progressive step towards strengthening data privacy in educational institutions, a new questionnaire has been published targeting school Data Privacy Officers (DPOs). The questionnaire aims to assess the digital skills and competencies required for effective data management and responsible use of digital competence, as outlined in DigCompEdu. This initiative serves to address the growing…