Institution: Osnovna Škola Čakovec
Target Audience: Students, Teachers, Parents
Duration: 30 minutes
Type of Practice: Protocol
To acquire a good practice of protecting mobile phones and data by turning off Bluetooth
Brief Description:
Constantly switched on Bluetooth can also be a problem because hackers can attack and steal certain data via Bluetooth, which is known as bluesfnarfing. The attack happens without the user’s knowledge, and sometimes they can eavesdrop on calls that way. The attacks cause device overload and devices can no longer work normally.
More information:
- It is preferable to turn off Bluetooth when not in use and that the devices are not connected to other unknown devices. Connection and authentication permissions must be enabled on the mobile phone.
- Don’t hold sensitive files on your mobile device.
- Use password/PIN.
- Require approval for all connections.
What do you need to replicate?
The procedure of protecting data used on mobile phones.