Teaching First Year Students to Log Out Safely

Context of practice
Type of context: face-to-face teaching 
Type of teaching: Degree 
Year: First year 

Problem and objectives
Classroom practice in which students have to log in to the virtual classroom with their username. 

Tools and resources

Description of practice
Teach students to close their sessions so that they are not left open to students using the classroom afterwards. 

Expected results 
Raising students’ awareness of the need to protect their identities on shared computers

Strengths or advantages 
The main benefit of awareness-raising is that they not only use it in the academic environment, but also internalize good practices and apply them in other areas of their personal lives.

Risks or weaknesses
The main drawback is that awareness will not be immediate, but will need a medium to long period of time to internalize the risks involved. 

Need for support
I can do it on my own