Balancing Innovation and Data Privacy

Context of practice
University degree. Third year. Classroom teaching 

Problem and objectives
In a teaching innovation project, the aim is to find useful applications of generative artificial intelligence in the teaching of optics. One of the activities foreseen is to propose to students several exercises using chatGPT, for example: generation of interactive scripts to simulate optical phenomena, generation of worksheets from existing ones, checking if they can solve these exercises, etc. 

Tools and resources
University computer classrooms, platforms such as guerrilla mail to provide temporary email accounts 

Description of practice
First of all, students would be told about the risks of using this type of online tools, so that they know what data they are providing and to whom. Since students are of legal age, it will be left up to them to decide whether they wish to participate by assuming the risks, or not, without prejudice to their qualification. In addition, alternatives to participate without exposing their personal data will be provided: using university computers and using temporary email addresses. 

Expected results 
Students who wish to do so can participate in the activity without exposing their personal data, although it is likely that many of them will often use these tools without knowing the risks involved. At least, from this point on, they will be aware of the associated risks and will be able to decide whether they want to continue to do so or not. 

Strengths or advantages 
Students can participate in the activity without exposing themselves, as they have sufficient resources. Moreover, non-participation does not affect their marks, which would infringe on their decision-making capacity, as they would feel obliged to participate, exposing their data, even if they do not wish to do so. 

Risks or weaknesses
Given the profile of the students, most of them already use these tools without considering the risks. Moreover, for most of them, it is more convenient to use their own devices than to go to computer classrooms. 

Need for support
With the information provided throughout the course, it is enough to know the risks of using and making students use online tools, and more importantly, to know alternatives to continue using them and thus take advantage of all the resources, but reducing the risks as much as possible. 

I believe it is important to make decisions with all available information. If not, the decision will be biased and not totally free, even if it appears to be so.