
  • SPADATAS sponsors the Google Educators Group event in Gran Canaria: in partnership with Heidelberg School

    The European Erasmus+ project SPADATAS, which aims to improve privacy and security in the management of academic data in schools, was one of the sponsors of the Google Educators Group (GEG) educational event in Gran Canaria (06/05/2023) at Heidelberg School. Also was presented at different times by Daniel Amo, the project coordinator, and representative of…

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  • SPADATAS. financial procedures and updates for project partners: insights from Monica Sanchez

    Stay Up-to-Date with the Latest Financial Guidelines and Protocols to Ensure a Smooth Partnership Experience in the SPADATAS project. In a recent update, Monica Sanchez, the project’s financial coordinator, shared important information regarding financial issues for the project partners. The update included several key points and also clarified that the Grant Agreement and Partnership Agreement must…

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  • SPADATAS kickstart meeting

    Project Management, Teacher Training, and Resource Kits: A Comprehensive Approach to Data Fragility Awareness in Education The kickstart meeting for the SPADATAS project was held in Salamanca, Spain, on January, 23-14, 2023. This meeting was planned to cover several work packages. Work package n°1 – Project Management: The first work package focuses on project management and…

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