Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) is a non-profit private university with VAT G59069740 and constituted by the Law 12/1991 of the Government of Catalonia.
URL holds the European Charter for Higher Education with nº 29467-EPP-1-2014-1-ESEPPKA3-ECHE. One of the main characteristics of URL is that it is structured under a federative agreement between the university, formal holder and responsible of the centres that form it, and the different entities that assume the management of each centre with their own human and technological resources.
Consequently, URL manages the centres that integrate it through institutions that preserve their own legal personality, heritage and responsibility. More specifically, the project will be performed by the centre of La Salle Campus Barcelona (La Salle-URL), managed by the legal entity Fundació Privada Universitat i Tecnologia (FUNITEC) with VAT G60643558.
The mission of La Salle-URL is to offer a high-quality education, training professionals with a high ethical commitment and the necessary values to be innovators, to know how to adapt to changes and to lead the transformations of a society in continue progress.
URL participates in this project through the Human-Environment Research (HER) group, officially recognized research group by the Departament de Recerca i Universitats (Generalitat de Catalunya) under Grant Ref. 2021 SGR 01396.
Daniel Amo-Filva (Coordinator)
Monica Sanchez-Sepulveda (Project Manager)
David Fonseca
Henry Gleason
Contact person information
- Daniel Amo-Filva
- Universitat Ramon Llull
- daniel.amo@salle.url.edu
Social networks of the Institution