Institution: USA and URLTarget Audience: StudentsDuration: 30 minutesType of Practice: Intervention and Prevention Objective:Prevent cyberbullying. Brief Description:There needs to be an expert in resolving conflicts arising from digital environments used by students, families and teachers.
Tag: Institutional policies and procedures
Institution: USA and URLTarget Audience: StudentsDuration: 30 minutesType of Practice: Protection and Prevention Objective:Help and guide teachers in the use of technology in the classroom. Help and guide teachers to manage the data of the students Brief Description:It is necessary…
Read more >: School institutional email for studentsInstitution: USAL and URLTarget Audience: StudentsTool Use: Email platform management (Example: Gmail, Microsoft…) Evaluation: Check the security, privacy policy and terms of use of the providers Objective:Creating a secure digital identity Brief Description:Create an institutional email for students to have individualized…
Read more >: Secure communication channel for studentsInstitution: USAL and URLTarget Audience: StudentsType of Practice: Protocol Tool Use: Communication channel with high standard of privacy: web or app. Evaluation: Check the security, privacy policy and terms of use of the providers. Satisfaction questionnaire to provide feedback directly from the…
Read more >: Erasmus+ funded coursesInstitution: Iis Bona Schools In Italy SecondaryTarget Audience: TeachersDuration: Erasmus + supported courses accessible for schools, if these are present more visibility on how to reach them by teachers Objective:Support teachers in keeping updated with new knowldge and technological demands …
Read more >: Design room for teachersInstitution: Ørestad Gymnasium, Arborio Comprehensive School Primary And Iis Bona Schools In Italy SecondaryTarget Audience: Students and their teachers Duration: A few days school assignment – for students acting as designers and teachers as users. Objective:To foster a concrete dialogue on…
Read more >: News boardInstitution: Iis Bona Schools In Italy Secondary, Arborio Comprehensive School And Ørestad GymnasiumTarget Audience: Teachers and leadership Objective:Support transparent information and mutual help but avoiding guilty feelings Brief Description:A board could be hanging in the coffee room to enable teachers…
Read more >: School CollegialityInstitution:Iis Bona Schools In Italy SecondaryTarget Audience: Teachers and leadership and students Tool Use: Materials for meetings, maybe a share portal-intranet Objective:Support the application of coherent policies across schools belonging to the same territory or region Brief Description:Schools could consult each…
Read more >: Working with partner outside the schoolInstitution: Ørestad Gymnasium / High SchoolTarget Audience: Students, teachers, parents Type of Practice: Tip Objective:How to work with partners outside school BEST PRACTISE 1 BEST PRACTISE 2 BEST PRACTISE 3 Brief Description: Brief Description: Brief Description: Many schools communicate a lot with…