The Security and Privacy in Academic Data management at Schools project (SPADATAS) held a pre-kickoff meeting to set and detail the project.
In today’s digital age, protecting the privacy and security of student data is of utmost importance. To ensure that schools are equipped to handle this responsibility, a pre-kickoff meeting was recently held to establish objectives for an european project focused on data fragility awareness and good practices for data academic management (SPADATAS).

The project aims to develop an open and public tool that can detect issues related to data privacy and security in schools, using a mixed-method approach that combines quantitative research with qualitative evaluation. This tool will help identify weaknesses in data treatment processes and highlight areas that need improvement.
To spread awareness of data fragility and promote good practices for data academic management, workshops will be conducted for schoolteachers who will be trained as data fragility awareness agents. These workshops will provide valuable insights into how to protect student data privacy, security, and confidentiality.
In addition, a digital platform and a handbook of good practices will be released to help primary and secondary schools implement effective processes that align with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These resources will be developed in collaboration with regional communities and associations to ensure that they are relevant and useful to the local context.
During the pre-kickoff meeting, the project objectives were clearly explained and discussed, and participants expressed their support for the initiative. It was agreed that this project will play an essential role in promoting data privacy and security in primary and secondary schools and that it will have a positive impact on student data management practices.
In conclusion, the pre-kickoff meeting marked an important step in the project’s journey towards achieving its objectives. With the development of the data fragility awareness tool, targeted workshops, and the release of a digital platform and handbook of good practices, this project will contribute significantly to improving data privacy and security in primary and secondary schools.

The SPADATAS project (Ref.: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000086363) is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. The content of this publicacion is the sole responsibility of the consortium and neither the European Commission, nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) are responsible for the use that may be made of the information disclosed here.
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