Project Management, Teacher Training, and Resource Kits: A Comprehensive Approach to Data Fragility Awareness in Education

The kickstart meeting for the SPADATAS project was held in Salamanca, Spain, on January, 23-14, 2023. This meeting was planned to cover several work packages.
Work package n°1 – Project Management: The first work package focuses on project management and includes objectives and results, management workflows, coordination-management platforms, and workplan adaptations. These elements will ensure that the project runs smoothly and achieves its goals.
Work package n°2 – Key tools for auto-assessment: The second work package focuses on key tools for auto-assessment. This includes analyzing data literacy proficiency regarding policies, actions, and processes to ensure privacy, security, and confidentiality of students’ data. It also involves mapping data academic management processes with a focus on data protection, identifying flaws and gaps in data treatment processes, and detecting digital skills, competences, and knowledge needed to reduce data fragility issues in the data academic management. The work package includes a group activity for validation.
Work package n°3 – Teacher training & workshops: The third work package focuses on teacher training and workshops. It aims to train and empower primary and secondary teachers (or equivalent level) in the responsible use of students’ data during learning and teaching processes. This work package also aims to guide and foster new ideas in data academic management to reduce data fragility. In addition, it aims to promote team spirit among the group of teachers and members of the project, with the possibility of establishing new connections in the international network of schools that are addressing data fragility awareness projects.
Work package n°4 – Resource kit to reduce data fragility: The fourth work package focuses on developing a resource kit to reduce data fragility. This includes choosing the resources, activities, and best practices generated in teacher training and workshops that fix better for the context of the school and the potential students involved. It also involves searching for resources, activities, and best practices generated by other organizations in local/regional/European contexts to reduce data fragility in education. Finally, this work package aims to make public all the chosen and found results.
This comprehensive approach to data fragility awareness in education will provide schools with the necessary tools, knowledge, and resources to manage data responsibly and protect student privacy and security. By empowering teachers and promoting team spirit, this project will contribute to the development of a strong network of schools addressing data fragility awareness projects.

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