Tag: Initiatives

  • Exams and privacy

    Institution: Ørestad Gymnasium / High SchoolTarget Audience: Students, teachers. Type of Practice: Tip Objective:Keeping exam-communication private.  Brief Description:Exam-communication is very private, but new Danish rules claims, that the students can ask for a copy “aktindsigt”. So exam-commentsor resumes must be made,…

    Read more >: Exams and privacy
  • Handling very sensitive data 

    Institution: Ørestad Gymnasium / High SchoolTarget Audience: SAdmins, managers, teachers, parents Type of Practice: Tip Objective:When hande ling very sensitive data  Brief Description:Many schools use Google for education og other systems for ale communication, but when handeling very sensitive data, this…

    Read more >: Handling very sensitive data 
  • Safe storage of documents

    Institution: Ørestad Gymnasium / High SchoolTarget Audience: Students, Teachers, ParentsDuration: 30 minutesType of Practice: Tip Objective:To prevent documents with sensitive information to get spread.  Brief Description:Use only safe environments for storing documents with students names, never unsafe SOME-service like DropBox,…

    Read more >: Safe storage of documents