The European Erasmus+ project SPADATAS, which aims to improve privacy and security in the management of academic data in schools, was one of the sponsors of the Google Educators Group (GEG) educational event in Gran Canaria (06/05/2023) at Heidelberg School. Also was presented at different times by Daniel Amo, the project coordinator, and representative of La Salle Campus BCN University, during the event. The result of the action has meant a partnership with the Heidelberg School to co-create educational resources regarding data privacy and security in schools.
During his presentations, Amo emphasized the importance of raising awareness among schools, parents, teachers, and students about the need to protect educational data and the risks involved in not doing so. He also issued a call to action for them to join the training that will be offered in June and to the spadatas.eu platform, where they will share open learning resources on privacy and security in schools.
The SPADATAS project aims to improve the management of academic data in schools, protecting the privacy of students and teachers and avoiding possible vulnerabilities in the system. In this sense, security and privacy measures are being taken in terms of the SPADATAS European project, which include training and learning resources to improve the skills and knowledge of teachers and school directors.
In a world where more and more data is shared, it is essential that measures are taken to protect the privacy and security of academic data management. The SPADATAS project is an important step towards raising awareness and improving data management in schools, and it is expected to have a positive impact on the privacy and security of students and teachers.
The presentation of the project was executed during the GEG, before different workshops and main talks. Next, a video of a short presentation of the project before another talk during the GEG conference.
The Consortium thanks the event coordinator Nacho Santa-María and the Heidelberg School for the opportunity.
The SPADATAS project (Ref.: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000086363) is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the consortium and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) are responsible for the use that may be made of the information disclosed here.