Stay Safe Online: Tools and Tips for Data Privacy and Harassment Protection

At Ørestad Gymnasium, the semester kicked off with an important event centered around digital safety, featuring National Danish Experts in digital harassment and data privacy. Led by Miriam Michelsen, the event emphasized the legal aspects of online privacy, the risks of digital harassment, and the steps individuals can take to protect themselves. Students also explored how youth culture interacts with various digital platforms, learning how young people use the internet and the challenges they face. A key takeaway was understanding the importance of safeguarding personal data and knowing what to do in case of a data breach or online harassment.

For those concerned about their digital safety, here are three useful tools to protect your online presence:

  1. Have I Been Pwned?
    This website helps you check whether your email address or personal information has been compromised in a data breach. By simply entering your email, you can quickly see if your details have been exposed and take appropriate action to secure your accounts.
    Visit Have I Been Pwned
  2. Just Delete Me
    Struggling to delete your online accounts? Just Delete Me is a comprehensive directory of links and instructions for removing yourself from a wide variety of services, making it easier to manage your digital footprint and take control of your online presence.
    Visit Just Delete Me
  3. Delete IT!
    (Available only in Danish) Delete IT! is a platform that helps Danish users remove unwanted content and protect their privacy online, particularly in cases of harassment. It’s a great tool for Danish-speaking individuals looking to regain control over their online data and privacy.
    Visit Delete IT!

With the growing importance of digital awareness, tools like these empower individuals, especially young people, to take control of their online safety. Stay informed, stay safe!